


Notice of CSC Scholarship Extension Application 2019

1. 欲申请延长学习期限的国别奖学金生或商务部奖学金生,须于3月底向本国派遣部门(原申请受理部门)提出申请,列入2019/2020学年中国政府奖学金计划名额内。

For those students of bilateral programmes or MOFCOM scholarship who wish to apply for extension, please submit your application to your dispatching organization before the end of March, so as to be included in the planning for 2019/2020 academic year. 

2. 对于个别学习态度认真、表现良好、因特殊原因不能按期完成学业且派遣国无法列入奖学金计划的博士研究生,可直接填写申请表,并于410交至学校外国留学生工作处106室。


For those PhD students, with serious research attitude, excellent behaviours, and who cannot finish their programmes due to special reasons, please fill in the extension application form and submit to Room 106, International Students Office, by 10th April

Notes: In principle, student can apply for extension ONCE and the time length for studying cannot exceed five years. Please go through the procedures of academic extension before applying for next year's scholarship. And it is still required to pass the scholarship annual review.


PS: “Application Form of CSC Scholarship Extension” is available from “Documents” on International Students Office website: http://iso.fudan.edu.cn/ .


International Students Office


19 March, 2019